I was rocking my darling baby girl to sleep tonight. As her eyes fluttered closed to enter a wonderful dreamland, she ran her perfectly tiny hands along mine, providing her own soothing as well as mine. Those hands that were created inside my body. This beautiful creature I feel unworthy of and so in love with. Tears welled up in my eyes as images of her lying in a hospital fighting for her life less than five months ago. I will always protect this child no matter what. The thought of any parent not doing everything humanly possible to give their child a healthy and happy life truly boggles my mind.
As I lay there breathing in my little miracle and counting my blessings, my mind flipped to a conversation a friend had with me yesterday. She told me her cousin is seven months pregnant. Which would normally be cause for celebration, but what she told me next had us both SEETHING. The pregnant cousin has celiacs disease; for those of you unfamiliar with CD, gluten becomes the devil. If you do not drastically change your nutrition to accommodate the gluten-free lifestyle, your healthy is severely impacted. You eventually do so much internal damage that your body cannot sufficiently process nutrients. When people with CD eat foods that contain gluten, it creates an immune-mediated toxic reaction that causes damage to the small intestine and does not allow food to be properly absorbed. Even small amounts of gluten in foods can affect those with CD and cause health problems. When food is not absorbed they are not getting the proper nutrition they need. That is bad enough for the person with CD, but now think about that baby that is trying to grow in an environment depleted of proper nourishment. Struggling to pull nutrition from a malnourished "host". This woman, and I hesitate to call her a mother, because what mother can knowingly neglect her child's needs like this, is living on pasta and grape soda! Not only is the pasta's gluten destroying her, but the grape soda is all chemicals and of ZERO benefit. She throws up every time she eats gluten, but still doesn't change her food intake. She is not taking in any fresh fruits, veggies, protein sources, healthy fats, or staying hydrated, and the list goes on. She is completely negligent in my opinion. She has not gained a single pound as she enters her 3rd trimester. The baby is underweight and this woman is doing nothing about changing her destructive behavior.She actually said :"the baby must want grape soda because that's all I can keep down". How can you possibly believe that rationale. This is also the same woman that gained almost 100 pounds with her first pregnancy. Which is a whole other massively ridiculous abusive scenario in my books. The human body needs more respect than this. Our lives as both mother and child are worth more than this simple-minded destruction.
It is sickening to me that there are no repercussions for pregnant women who don't adopt healthy behaviors to provide for the life inside them. They are allowed to abuse their children up until they are born. No one steps in to protect that child while they are in utero. That baby is dependent solely on its mothers discretion to provide an environment for which he/she can thrive. Where is the doctor in all this? Even if the doctor is urging their patients to adhere to healthier guidelines there is no enforcing agency, no one to turn the abuse in to...because while the child is still in utero apparently it's not illegal to abuse them. Which when you stop to think, it is really unfathomable. I'm done holding my silence. I want to spark you to THINK and ACT. Whether it's you who is pregnant or know someone who is, it is our job as intelligent human beings to stop cowering away from uncomfortable issues. Take a stand you might just save a life.
When you create a living being inside of you it is not your right to be able to harm that child. You should no longer have the right to treat your body like an amusement park or a back alley dumpster. It is no longer your right to be misinformed and poorly educated. I am so sick of these awful stories of women simply not caring. Then guess what you shouldn't be pregnant in the first place, because you blatantly are not ready to be a good mother. Funny, we have to get a permit and license to drive a car, we need gun permits and training to own a firearm and we need a license for boating and hunting, but any idiot can procreate and not have to know a thing about how to adequately care for a living human being or go through basic training on how to treat themselves during the journey.
I am PLEADING with any woman reading this to stop the madness. Educate yourselves on what needs to be done to be healthy for you and your family. When you see something that morally does not sit well with you SPEAK UP. Silence breeds regret and harmful consequences. We are so concerned with offending people and not sticking our nose in that we idly sit by and watch our society fall further and further from its pure and good humanity. We fall further from a well functioning and healthy society. Each generation is becoming a duller copy of the one before. We walk around in a fog of stress, ignorance and chaos. Not stopping to cherish what we have; the miraculous ability to create life and thrive as we do so.
My two cents worth....