I had my own little wake-up call the past few days. Yes, I eat "healthy" by most people's standards...but am I really optimizing my health, energy and vitality for me...and for baby? Am I truly practicing what I preach day in and day out? More water, more fresh greens, eat organic when you can, take your digestive enzymes, eat more raw foods, steer clear of processed garbage, cut our gluten, take probiotics and digestive enzymes, pay attention to gut health and other signs of distress..the list of what I go over with my clients seems endless. But besides eating somewhat clean, I caught myself falling short on my path to OPTIMAL HEALTH.
My wake up came for an unexpected place... a current diet client. By teaching others I quite often learn more about myself. We have taken up walking and talking instead of our usual in-office weekly weigh-ins and chit chats about life, family, health, emotions etc. So now we walk for 40 minutes in the beautiful, energizing, sunshine instead of sitting under florescent bulbs in sunken chairs. I noticed that just by having the same conversations while walking, my client became more animated, was able to vent and feel empowered instead of weakened by her influx of emotions. It put her on the same plane as me and not feeling stared at from behind a desk while she shared her weekly angst of stresses at home and her plight to fight her brain's temptations to jeopardize her progress. She is a VERY intelligent, compassionate woman, wife and mother. She does tons of her own research on health related topics, makes her own baby foods, actively participates in mommy blogs and explores the natural food stored on a regular basis. She KNOWS what to do but like many of us, gets sucked into eating out of emotion - wanting a hug but settling for a bag of cookies; eating for others convenience - my family wants this so I too will eat this; eating the wrong foods out of frustration or lack of time and preplanning and a plethora of other reasons. So, we battle head vs body every week and I happily report most weeks her body is treated pretty well and she sees the changes in her physique, mood, energy levels, milk production for breast feeding her infant, decrease in skin flare ups etc. Those a great weeks of clairty and calm for her.
After a walk one day I got a text from her thanking me for "seeing her" and not judging her. For sticking by to help her redefine her self and her health. The funny thing is... I should be thanking her! When I listen to her it always makes me think what am I thankful for, what do I need to work on, what am I preaching but not practicing? If she can makes improvements, I am far from being above that as well! A week later, she showed up with a book full of pink highlighter marks, sticky tabs and notes-to-self. She is an admitted self-help and health book junkie..but this I could tell was different for her. She wanted me to read it and she didn't care that I would see her markings. I thank her for her openess...I feel I am becoming a friend as much as a mentor. In fact, it's a really neat way to gain insight into what resonates with people...read their book markings. She said it was the first book that really spoke to her. She felt as if much of it was me actually talking to her. I was thrilled that a lot of what I said was reinforced by a best selling author - adds to my street cred I suppose (wink wink).
The book? "Crazy Sexy Diet" by Kris Carr. The book has sparked me to get back to my "roots". Take a more green and holistic approach to my own well-being...and I'm only on page 24! It's much of what I already know, but tend to put on the back burner. NOW is the time for me to step up to my plate...my food plate that is. With new fervor, I have taken to the farmers markets, reading about juicing and growing my own sprouts, wheat grass and herbs. I have always thought what does this food do for or to me befor eI put it in my mouth. But now I think on an even mroe intense level. Is this worth putting in my mouth? How does it truly enhance my vitality, immunity, ability to grow a healthy baby, recover from stress etc. I am happiy awaiting the arrival of my super duper Omega VRT juicer; which will be front and center on my "under constructing" raw bar section of my kitchen. Bless the man in my life for being on board and helping to implement my dream juice/smoothie/growing station in our kitchen! I'll have to post a pick once it's complete. But my excuses have been thrown out the window and while my baby may come out green and orange ... she will be uber ready to battle and navigate this crazy world because I will not only have given her the best nutrition while she is co-habitating my body, but she will be set up for success throughout childhood. A mom who leads by example... what a concept..huh?! Join me?? I know my client/friend has.. thank you to that wonderful lady... you know EXACLTY who you are! xo
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Naturally Boost Energy while Pregnant
Energy Booster for Baby Belly Fatigue
First off, energy and pregnancy sound like oxymoron. I never
realized until I went through it that the first trimester is pretty much like
wearing a lead jumpsuit 24/7. The second trimester is somewhat of a brief
reprieve as if there are ropes holding up that majority of that lead jumpsuit,
but some days the ropes snap and down comes that weight again. Why so tired so soon? Your body is doubling
its blood volume, you’re in need of greater hydration requirements, your regular
sleep pattern is disrupted, playing whack-a-mole with your hormones and oh yeah
growing a “Mini Me” at a rapid rate- of course you are going to feel off! Add in the fact that you can no longer rely
on coffee or energy drinks to give you that mid-day boost…what’s a gal to do?
Well, as a Holistic Nutrition Coach, I challenged myself to evaluate the causes
and find real natural solutions to help get that pep back in my step.
Are you
getting enough sleep? If you were like me I thought I was
Superwoman who didn’t need additional sleep requirements. Prior to pregnancy I
was happy to run on 4-5 hours of sleep and work 16 hours days (admittedly, my
most unhealthy habit). Sleep is CRUCIAL
to your own health and the growth of your baby. Rest helps you mentally
rejuvenate, repair your muscles and restore natural hormone cycles and obviously
boost energy levels. Save the “I can run on fumes attitude” for when your baby
needs you at all hours of the night. Rest up NOW while you can.
What are
you EATING??! This is huge for several reasons. If you are
noshing on chemically laden processed foods, and highly refined carbs, you are
setting your hardworking body up for failure. Those “non-foods”, as I call them
set you up for sugar spikes and inevitable dramatic energy drops. They don’t
provide any nutritional value to help your body cope with the stress and
changes. In addition, your digestion naturally has slowed to allow your body to
pull as much as it can from the food you are taking in. The longer food sits in
you sometimes though can make you feel overly full and sluggish. High fat foods
will also make your body work harder to deal with the repercussions and slowed
digestion. Opt for more fresh foods like fruits and veggies because they have natural
enzymes that help you digest the food (digest themselves). Think about when you
cut an apple and leave it out, it degrades and shrivels up into itself-
self-digesting. Fresh plant based foods are alive and help you naturally
transfer energy to you and by helping your body fight off invaders and daily
stressors they become your energy soldiers battling fatigue for you.
and nutrients – Are you remembering your prenatal vitamin, omegas and calcium
EVERY DAY? Is your prenatal one that your body can make use of or is breaking down
too slow before your stomach empties it losing valuable nutrients can be
distributed? TEST: Drop your
vitamin in a glass of vinegar... stir gently for one minute… let sit…does it breakdown over
30-45 minutes? Getting enough greens? Chlorophyll from plants in
foods or supplement form help boost cell energy. Tip:
try Ginger Tea – it is spicy
and energizing. Place 4-5 small pieces of freshly peeled ginger in a cup with
boiling water and let steep for 5 minutes. Ginger tea strengthens the nervous
system, helps prevent fatigue, and bonus!: may help reduce pain associated with
uterine cramps! Don’t drink more than 1-2 cups per day, as excess doses may
exacerbate heartburn, and consult your caregiver about using ginger if you are
on medications.
Exercise – dragging
those tired legs out for a nice little walk, lifting light weights, using
resistance bands from your office or couch, swimming or just getting more
movement in will dramatically improve your energy, stamina, clear thinking,
blood flow and release endorphins (those feel good chemicals in your brain).
Maintaining strength and stamina during pregnancy may help lessen labor difficulties,
helps you lift and hold your precious baby without great strain. Let’s face it
you are going to be hauling strollers, diaper bags, toys, pack n plays and a
rapidly growing and squirming child. You need those muscles girl!
and relaxation: Find some calming music, lower the lights,
get into a comfortable, supported position and start emptying your mind from
the days stress. Try adding oils such as peppermint, lemon, bergamot,
eucalyptus, and orange oils which are all invigorating. Be careful not to get
any colored oils on your clothes, they will stain! Blend oils with almond oil
and give yourself a foot (or whole body!!) massage. Or, blend with water in a
spray bottle, and mist yourself whenever you need a boost.
Stretch: Remember
how I mentioned your blood volume was doubling and digestion was slowing? Well
you need to assist your body in transporting blood and oxygen. Start your
mornings with some light stretches seated or standing (never lying flat on your
back after 18 weeks – the pressure on major arteries can drop your blood
pressure too low). Mid- day when you feel that slump hitting, try some cat/dog
poses on all-fours or visit http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-body/fitness/pregnancy-workout/?page=2
for some modified yoga poses.
Breathe: 8 stroke breath for energy and stress
release: Sit in any
comfortable posture. Let the eyes close and begin to inhale in 8 equal strokes
through the nose. Exhale in one long smooth stroke through the nose. This
exercise forces your attention to the breath. Inhaling in 8 strokes is
invigorating, the long exhale is relaxing. The exercise will leave you clear
headed and balanced. Practice for up to 11 minutes.
nostril breathing for energy: Block
the left nostril with the left thumb. Breathe long and deep through only the
right nostril.
Respect what your body is going through...know that all lows will soon be followed by amazing highs. So hang in there my ever-expanding waistline pack of sisters!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Foods to AVOID!
Foods to AVOID During Pregnancy
Knowing which foods and additives to avoid (or severely limit) during pregnancy is especially important for you and baby. This is a time in a woman's life when she should be especially careful to protect her developing baby. Giving into a momentary splurge or the old myth's that now is the time to pigout can actually be harmful. Some foods on this list are obvious, like alcohol, but others may come as a surprise. Not to mention some of these things can add to intestinal discomfort, gas, bloating, acid reflux, sleeplessness, joint pain, fluid retention, lack of energy, mental fog. (I'll blog soon on some ways to ease sigestive discomfort and other symptoms that we should have to simply suffer through! So stay tuned)
1. Junks Foods
It will be challenging to find the time to burn off these extra dead calories. Plus they are full of detrimental non-foods that are bad for you and your baby.
"Junk food" includes the usual suspects: fried foods, margarine, soft drinks, sweets, anything made with white flour (crackers, cookies, bread, cereals) and most boxed foods. They contain synthetic vitamin A which is toxic, and best avoided while pregnant.
Do the "ingredient list test" - how long is the list and how many words look like something out of a chemistry text book?
2. Caffeine
It is best to avoid or at least reduce your caffeine intake to no more than 200mg per day. It reduces iron absorption, interferes with normal fetal growth and is associated with lower birth weight and an increased risk of miscarriage.
3. Alcohol
I'm sure it's not a big surprise to avoid alcohol while pregnant. It negatively affects the developing fetus. You can find articles that say a glass of vino here and there is ok... but my philosophy is if we aren't 100% certain... now is not the time to gamble!
4. Trans Fats
Trans fats inhibit the conversion of fatty acids needed for fetal brain growth and decrease the fat content of breast milk. Also, it has been found to decrease sperm count.
Do not trust labels that claim products are trans fat free. If a food has half a gram or less per serving than it can be labeled "trans fat free". No big deal? Well, the Institute of Medicine even stated there is no safe intake level for trans fats.
It's not good for you and it's not good for your developing baby. If the ingredient list has the words "partially hydrogenated" it's got trans fat and it is a food to avoid during pregnancy. (Be sure to get healthy fats for brian development from sources like avocados, coconut oil, sesame oil, canola oil, omega-3 supplements (DHA/EPA) etc)
5. Artificial and Refined Sweeteners
Artificial and refined sweeteners (like Splenda, Sweet-n-Low, Aspertame, Nutra-Sweet, etc.) are a source of empty calories and a great way to gain too much weight. They can also negatively affect your baby's ability to regulate blood sugar.
Artifical and refined sweeteners can increase your cravings for sugar (causing too much weight gain). So, the more you eat, the more you want to eat and this increases the demands on your body's insulin production (which is also the pathway to diabetes).
A study out of The University of Texas Science Center at San Antonio suggests that the more diet sodas a person drinks, the more likely they are to become over weight.
There's all kinds of information out there about how nasty artificial sweeteners are for you. It is a neurological toxin and can cause headaches and even seizures. Just say NO!
Stick to drinking water (filtered if you can), mineral water or lacto-fermented beverages to satisfy your thirst.
6. Commercial Fried Foods
It's no big surprise that fried foods aren't good for you or your baby. You are just consuming extra calories with out any nutrient benefits. They are also full of trans fat. (see #4 in Part 1 of this article)
7. Food Additives
Food additives (such as MSG) are neurotoxins (bad for the nervous system). I find it rather scary that a study found brain lesions on developing embryos assiciated with MSG intake.
MSG may appear in the ingredient list as: hydrolyzed protein, calcium, sodium casinate, textured protein, citric acid, soy foods, malt flavorings, flavorings, and natural flavorings - so CHECK YOUR LABELS!
As a side note, seasonings all usually contain MSG.
8. Soy
My biggest pet peeve is when pregnancy books and websites list soy as a healthy protein source for pregnant women! Soy food is a highly processed and refined food. It is also full of things that will block you and your developing baby from absorbing nutrients such as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium. Consuming it also increases the mothers need for vitamin D.
Soy also contains phytoestrogens (a.k.a plant estrogen) which can negatively impact the fetal development of the reproductive organs and brain.
In recap, the eight foods to avoid during pregnancy are:
1. Junk Foods
2. Caffeine
3. Alcohol
4. Trans Fat
5. Artificial and Refined Sweetners
6. Commercial Fried Foods
7. Food Additives
8. Soy
Making at least some of these changes to your food intake will do wonders for your baby! And, if you can do them all, even better. Share with me what you are able to cut out!
Dr Clueless! and How to Pick a Prenatal Vitamin
Doctor disappointment!
So, I played a little investigative game the last time I went to
the OBGYN for my second trimester anatomy sonogram. (oh by the way...it's a GIRL!) I had realized that from week 8 to week 19 no
one had even whispered a word in regards to my nutrition. At this particular
appointment I was told I had only gained one pound in the last month (6 overall
heading into month 5) and the doctor said, “You haven’t gained the typical
amount of 3-4lbs per month the first two trimesters, but your baby is growing
at a healthy rate and everything looks great”. She then asked if I was eating!
I was ticked… Luckily before I could open my mouth with a smart retort, my
lovely man stuck up for me and said “she eats quality nutrition and not
quantity of junk”. I then looked at the doctor and said “what do you recommend that
I be eating or getting more of, or even avoiding as my pregnancy progresses?” She
took a minute scrunched up her nose and said “eat regularly and take your
prenatal”. That’s it! Eat what regularly?! Tell that to a normal hormonally
stressed pregnant woman and that may translate into pretzels dunked in chocolate
cream cheese and mac n’ cheese. No other
discussion was to be had on this day about nutrition for the pregnant woman
sitting in front of her.
Dr. Clueless had no idea that I am a Holistic Nutrition Coach for
a living; that I fuel my days with research, experimentation and observation of
foods, healthy living and supplementation.
She doesn’t realize that every time I eat I think about the foods
purpose for my body and my beautifully forming baby. But shouldn’t this be a discussion at my FIRST
appointment. We are growing a human being (or some of us are growing multiples) for Pete’s
sake! That is a massive and delicate undertaking that starts before you ever
even become pregnant.
I know that I will personally be maintaining a healthy pregnancy and a
healthy weight because of y ingrained background and views on health/nutrition, but what if I weren’t someone who had dedicated that last 12
years of my life to dietary intrigue? What if day in and day out I wasn’t responsible
for the well-being of other human beings who are either part of my testimonials
trials for TV or my private holistic practice? What if I were just like the
many of you reading this… lost and confused by mixed messaging or lack of any
type of direction? I left baffled and actually infuriated on behalf of the
thousands of women this doctor has seen/will see and neglect to give sound
nutritional advice. And for the over 4 million other women who give birth in
the US each year.
Have you had a similar experience with your doctors? I’d love to
hear from you. At your next appointment start asking questions and see what
kinds of answers you get. While I cannot “prescribe” any pregnancy nutritional
plans as we all have individual needs, activity levels, budgets, lifestyles, access
to various foods, preexisting conditions, symptoms, nausea and food aversions,
etc. I can give you my experience, my research and my recipes for you to make
your own educated decisions and fit what you can in your own program to
maximize your own experience and health of both you and baby. That's my commitment to you with ferquent entries in this blog.
start today with how to pick your prenatal vitamins:

At least 400mcg
of folic acid (I also take additional folic acid by itself at a
separate time during the day from my prenatal- but that's my personal choice based on self-research)
Look for
the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
seal of approval on your vitamin, which means it meets dissolution standards. Some
prenatal vitamins don't dissolve in your stomach quickly enough, which means
your body loses out on nutrients. Or
do this at-home test: Put your vitamin in a half cup of vinegar and
stir gently every five minutes or so. Within 30 minutes (up to 45 if your pill
has a gelatin or hard coat on it), it should be either dissolved or at least
separated into tiny particles.
Make sure you can stomach it. If you're having trouble swallowing your horse pill, see
if you can find one with a slicker coating. Try taking your calcium in a
separate vitamin since pills without calcium tend to be smaller (calcium takes
up a lot of space), so you may want to try one of these (but be sure you get
enough of this essential mineral in other ways). Chewable prenatal vitamins are
also an option, but watch out for artificial sweeteners or dyes. — but don't
expect great taste. If you find that your vitamin makes you constipated or
gives you gas, it could be the iron. Talk to your doctor about alternatives.
Try taking your pill before bed if it makes your queasy. Be sure to drink
enough water that it does not lodge in your throat before you lie down.
In a separate supplement – consider taking an omega complex which
has DHA and EPA. These crucial fatty acids help promote baby’s brain and eye
health, as well as supporting your own well-being and being anti-inflammatory. I
personally like Wholemega by NewChapter because of its strict purification
process and ability to maintain the integrity of the nutrients.
Monday, May 14, 2012
"Errors of Omission and Commission"
My insight for the day to make you all think twice...
"Errors of Omission" and "Errors of Commission". Being guilty of either or both can be devastating to our waistline, energy levels, disease prevention and overall well-being. What do I mean by this? Errors of omission are things we neglect to do. We don't take the time to prepare our foods, shop for healthy fresh, unprocessed items, take the time to eat regular meals slowly and chew thoroughly, educate ourselves on healthier living, neglecting to look up the nutrient panel on that frappfatccino before we indulge - because hey if we don't know what's in it..then we aren't really being bad right?! etc.
"Errors of commission" are things we DO that directly impact our health. Like choosing to binge drink at a dinner party, getting our meals from a drive-thru, smoking cigarettes, going home to the couch day after day - committing the crime of laziness. --
Many of us pick the kinds of foods we eat based only on taste and use them as a drug for comfort against the stress and upheavals in our lives. We wind up making our bodies work overtime to deal with the junk we eat all the while we are still lacking nutrients. So the result is fat pounds gained and still being malnourished. Let's change our M.O. (modus operandi) if you still feel you "slip up". Let's feed our gut what, when and how it is meant to eat. Think in terms of what does this food do FOR and TO me before you let it enter your body. Here are some simple mealtime tips to give eating the respect it deserves and your body the calm state is NEEDS to get the most nutrients out of your food.
1) Leave stress, anger and worry at the dining room door - eating while upset causes massive digestive upset
2) Make eating special - a ritual. Allow space in your day for JUST eating those meals at consistent times
3) Eat SLOWLY and CHEW thoroughly. Be mindful of the bites you are taking. Savor the flavors.
4) Eat with friends and family when possible - laughing and enjoying a meal together cuts stress, boosts pleasure and gets digestive juices flowing (which me need to make the most of our food experience)
5) Don't jump right up after eating. Let it settle a little while.
"Errors of Omission" and "Errors of Commission". Being guilty of either or both can be devastating to our waistline, energy levels, disease prevention and overall well-being. What do I mean by this? Errors of omission are things we neglect to do. We don't take the time to prepare our foods, shop for healthy fresh, unprocessed items, take the time to eat regular meals slowly and chew thoroughly, educate ourselves on healthier living, neglecting to look up the nutrient panel on that frappfatccino before we indulge - because hey if we don't know what's in it..then we aren't really being bad right?! etc.
"Errors of commission" are things we DO that directly impact our health. Like choosing to binge drink at a dinner party, getting our meals from a drive-thru, smoking cigarettes, going home to the couch day after day - committing the crime of laziness. --
Many of us pick the kinds of foods we eat based only on taste and use them as a drug for comfort against the stress and upheavals in our lives. We wind up making our bodies work overtime to deal with the junk we eat all the while we are still lacking nutrients. So the result is fat pounds gained and still being malnourished. Let's change our M.O. (modus operandi) if you still feel you "slip up". Let's feed our gut what, when and how it is meant to eat. Think in terms of what does this food do FOR and TO me before you let it enter your body. Here are some simple mealtime tips to give eating the respect it deserves and your body the calm state is NEEDS to get the most nutrients out of your food.
1) Leave stress, anger and worry at the dining room door - eating while upset causes massive digestive upset
2) Make eating special - a ritual. Allow space in your day for JUST eating those meals at consistent times
3) Eat SLOWLY and CHEW thoroughly. Be mindful of the bites you are taking. Savor the flavors.
4) Eat with friends and family when possible - laughing and enjoying a meal together cuts stress, boosts pleasure and gets digestive juices flowing (which me need to make the most of our food experience)
5) Don't jump right up after eating. Let it settle a little while.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Best Shape of your life! ...and pregnant??
BABY BELLY FIT!!! ...The best shape of your life...and pregnant! What did I just say? Yes... I am starting a movement for women to stop using their pregnancy as a time to become a lethargic garbage disposal and to turn it into a time that reflects their inner and outer beauty, constant changes, and respect for the human body as it produces this precious miracle.
The focus should not be on "how much weight you are gaining" but how are your "fueling" and "feeling" each day. I am currently 5 months pregnant with my first child. As a Fitness Guru for over 12 years, Holistic Nutrition Coach and "Queen of Before and After" Body Transformations for national and global TV infomercials, I have had my eyes opened to the plight of the pregnant womans' ever changing body. I have seen clients in my practice for years struggle with getting off weight post-baby. Sometimes "baby" is almost a teenager and we are still blaming it on the baby weight. The fears and restrictions all mothers-to-be go through can be overwhelming. Our bodies, hormones, schedules, priorities and responsibilities all change dramatically! But if we can treat our selves with respect and good health during pregnancy we are ahead of the game post-delivery. WE can hit the ground running as good role models for our child with more energy and self-confidence then if we had packed on excessive amounts of weight. Let's stop bashing ourselves and our bodies. We have to go through so much naturally with pregnancy and child birth that adding an environment that fosters depression, self-loathing, shame, and poor habits will just bury us at a time we should instead be soaring.
This blog is about providing practical advice, motivation and a point of view that may make you think twice bout that late night ice cream, pretzel and pickle sundae. This IS NOT about putting pressure on women to remain thin during pregnancy. This is about good health for you AND baby. You only get to grow each child once... care for them in the womb like you will once they arrive home with you.
This is the ultimate time to start listening to your body. Slow down that hectic pace, make time for what's TRULY important in life. If you have never been happy with your body or you are used to being a ultra-fit gym bunny, you can be in your best health while pregnant. How? By eating for fuel and specific purpose not for simply filling up your belly, giving into smells and marketing for unhealthy foods, in order to "fit in" with others while socializing, out of boredom, etc. So many of us are used to eating on the go, not giving thought to our foods, pushing our bodies to exhaustion, not getting quality sleep, piling on mounds to our "to-do" list and never taking a minute to evaluate the quality of life we are speeding through. Pregnancy is a gift...even when your head is in the toilet... still thank your lucky stars for the ability to bring a child of your own into this world.
So... let's begin our journey to healthy baby bellies together... We will focus on:
1) Nutrition - eating for fetal development, out own energy and well-being, to not over
gain unnecessary fat, how to eat when you are queasy or having cravings
2) Balancing Fitness: heart health, stamina, strength all balanced with calming, flowing
3) Getting Sleep!
4) Managing Stress
5) Skin Care/Hair Care
6) Avoiding other pitfalls and toxic hazards
7) Setting up post-delivery plan for healthy you and healthy family!
8) Support - starts here and at home! communicating with your partner (if available),
reaching our to friends, family, coworkers and your community resources.
Thank you for joining me. I welcome questions, feedback, suggestions, tips, recipes, etc. Please feel free to share below!
Also, please visit www.BrianaMichel.com if you need more individualized attention with nutrition and fitness. I have an office in Wesley Chapel, FL and see individuals clients regularly.
The focus should not be on "how much weight you are gaining" but how are your "fueling" and "feeling" each day. I am currently 5 months pregnant with my first child. As a Fitness Guru for over 12 years, Holistic Nutrition Coach and "Queen of Before and After" Body Transformations for national and global TV infomercials, I have had my eyes opened to the plight of the pregnant womans' ever changing body. I have seen clients in my practice for years struggle with getting off weight post-baby. Sometimes "baby" is almost a teenager and we are still blaming it on the baby weight. The fears and restrictions all mothers-to-be go through can be overwhelming. Our bodies, hormones, schedules, priorities and responsibilities all change dramatically! But if we can treat our selves with respect and good health during pregnancy we are ahead of the game post-delivery. WE can hit the ground running as good role models for our child with more energy and self-confidence then if we had packed on excessive amounts of weight. Let's stop bashing ourselves and our bodies. We have to go through so much naturally with pregnancy and child birth that adding an environment that fosters depression, self-loathing, shame, and poor habits will just bury us at a time we should instead be soaring.
This blog is about providing practical advice, motivation and a point of view that may make you think twice bout that late night ice cream, pretzel and pickle sundae. This IS NOT about putting pressure on women to remain thin during pregnancy. This is about good health for you AND baby. You only get to grow each child once... care for them in the womb like you will once they arrive home with you.
This is the ultimate time to start listening to your body. Slow down that hectic pace, make time for what's TRULY important in life. If you have never been happy with your body or you are used to being a ultra-fit gym bunny, you can be in your best health while pregnant. How? By eating for fuel and specific purpose not for simply filling up your belly, giving into smells and marketing for unhealthy foods, in order to "fit in" with others while socializing, out of boredom, etc. So many of us are used to eating on the go, not giving thought to our foods, pushing our bodies to exhaustion, not getting quality sleep, piling on mounds to our "to-do" list and never taking a minute to evaluate the quality of life we are speeding through. Pregnancy is a gift...even when your head is in the toilet... still thank your lucky stars for the ability to bring a child of your own into this world.
So... let's begin our journey to healthy baby bellies together... We will focus on:
1) Nutrition - eating for fetal development, out own energy and well-being, to not over
gain unnecessary fat, how to eat when you are queasy or having cravings
2) Balancing Fitness: heart health, stamina, strength all balanced with calming, flowing
3) Getting Sleep!
4) Managing Stress
5) Skin Care/Hair Care
6) Avoiding other pitfalls and toxic hazards
7) Setting up post-delivery plan for healthy you and healthy family!
8) Support - starts here and at home! communicating with your partner (if available),
reaching our to friends, family, coworkers and your community resources.
Thank you for joining me. I welcome questions, feedback, suggestions, tips, recipes, etc. Please feel free to share below!
Also, please visit www.BrianaMichel.com if you need more individualized attention with nutrition and fitness. I have an office in Wesley Chapel, FL and see individuals clients regularly.
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