Thursday, November 6, 2014
Been a long time...shouldn't have left you...
While the song plays in my head "been a long time shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to"... What no one else can hear it? No Timbaland fans? Aww c'mon! Anyway, I have been a wee bit remiss in keeping up with my mommy almost 2 years behind! What can I say...I am a work from-home, self-employed mom of a 2 year old who thinks sleeping is a waste of time (oh boy is she ME!). I was thinking recently of starting a different blog (because why would I use any extra time to sleep or do laundry?!) - one that encompasses more than just pregnancy. I got on my Blogger account to investigate what new names for a blog I could come up with and what it would entail, when I saw the stats from this Baby Belly Fit blog. I was SHOCKED! I have done zero promotion of this and haven't posted since Saved By the Bell was on Saturday mornings (ok ok it hasn't been that long)... And somehow over 7000 of you have found me recently. Sooo you mama's are looking for support! I think I am going to pick back up with this site and make it fun, funny (hopefully), heartfelt, informative, insightful and often very sinfully delicious (with healthified recipes not seedy a few) won't you come along for the joyride? It will be legal in at least 14 states! ;)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Everything I Need to Know I Learn from My Infant
It's true... I realized that
all of life's lessons can be learned from your very own small, wrinkly Yoda.
Ok, so your baby is way cuter than a million year old Star Wars icon, but when
you truly observe their presence and are open to their most basic lessons on
being human, it's amazing to realize how far we can let the chaos and BS of
modern life take us away from our instincts. As a new mom, each day I
marvel at the human being growing before me. It is a remarkable experience to
watch a child "develop from scratch" for lack of a
better phrase. You start to realize the incredible amount
of things she must learn to do, the world she must come to understand and
the seemingly "simple" skills she must develop to become a
functioning, communicative, and happy little person in our society. The
privilege of watching a baby grow and mature makes you realize they are so pure
and untainted by all the chaos and derailment the world will eventually throw
their way. How do we harness and regain some of that innate power back? Well...
everything you need to know you can learn from a 5 month old... actually that
was my original title when I thought of this blog. And in true new mom-fashion,
nothing gets done on my baby is now a year old! I'm glad I have had
this sitting in my drafts because I have learned even more in the last 7
months. Here we go...
1. Failure is not an option - babies continue to learn, grow and explore every waking second, they are not stopped by the fear of failure. They have not learned disappointment yet. So what do they do? They try things. They accidentally accomplish new things and realize they made it happen so they learn to repeat that new talent if it benefits them. They also start to learn what does not behoove them, opting for the actions that bring them reward. Either way, they persist until their needs are met. When was the last time you approached a goal this relentless in life? With such tenacity and conviction... makes you wonder "what could have been" and "what can be".
2. The statement "I don't have time" is taken to a whole new level as a mom - When I was pregnant I had a severe misconception that I could be a Supermom defying all time warp odds. I was going to strap my baby to me and continue my daily workaholic tendencies. HA! The reality is I learned that nothing is as important as being there for my child every day. When she is awake I want to be experiencing her every "first" alongside her, not glued to my laptop like my formerly single, non-mom self. Your baby will have a mind of her own and just like anything in nature; she needs love, attention, nourishment and sunlight to grow - who'da thunk! That means that this blog entry was started when my beautiful daughter was 5 months old and is now being finished as she celebrates her first birthday. I blinked and that happened... so babies make you realize that time warping is inevitable and you just have to let your anxiety about not accomplishing enough other things in a day go. To be honest I am still working on that! I definitely still have my many moments of frustration for not getting enough done. So I remind myself, "What do I want more, life experiences and memories as a family or a pen mark through another action item on my to-do list??" Easy answer when you put it like that.
2. Food is for Thrival (not just survival); not to cease boredom, provide an emotional hug, soothe anger or keep you company - food is the foundation for our livelihood. Babies aren't enticed by silky ribbons of chocolate calling their name across the TV screen in between sitcoms or the wafting of cinnamon from a grocery store bakery. They feel true hungry and they know they need to end that discomfort. As adults, our food should be well thought out and not a mindless numbing. Babies eat for survival, body growth, brain development, and so on. When did we start getting away from that as kids or adults? Next time you go to eat, think about what purpose that food serves for you... and make a better THRIVAL choice. Does it help you fight disease? Does it help you feel energized? Does it help you meet your physique goals?...and so on.
3.Wake up hungry - breakfast is the spark-plug for your daily motor. It revs us up from a fasting slumber and it fuels our day’s intentions. Make breakfast meaningful by not shoving some sugar drizzled unwrappable into your mouth during rush hour. Be grateful you woke up this morning; be thankful you have the ability to take on another day. Give your body the respect it deserves by putting some premium high octane into it! When was the last time a baby slept and didn't wake up hungry and primed for nutrition?
4. When you eat... just eat! Is your infant checking their email and gossiping on the phone? No ma'am, she is focused on her top mission, feeding! She is getting comfort from the experience of sharing a meal with you. Just as new moms are encouraged to feed their babies in a quiet room and make eye contact with their child, we as adults should maintain that practice. Eat while calm. Eat slowly and enjoy the actual experience. Appreciate the people you are sharing that meal with.
5. A laugh or smile can change a room - who can resist the sound of a baby laughing? No one with a beating heart! Perfect strangers will smile from across a restaurant wave at my daughter from 30 feet away and just become completely smitten with her head tilting, eye flirting and ear-to-ear grin. A simple smile can make a person’s day. We all want to feel good and one person leading the way can become infectious. So try smiling no matter how you feel on the inside and you just may find you not only turn someone else's day around, but you start to actually feel your smile from within.
5. Sleep is important. Yep, sounds like a pretty "duh" statement, but I think between 5-Hour Energy Shots and Starbucks being mainlined into our society’s veins, we ignore the sheep that keep trying to count us to sleep. Instead those sheep lay on the floor next to us while we catch up on social media, tinker with house chores and waste time with the boob tube. Why does a baby sleep so much? They need to grow and repair. Guess do adults! We grow mentally when we sleep. It allows our brain and body to recharge. Why do you think sleep deprivation leads to premature aging and inability to focus. Sleep keeps us youthful.
6. Stretching - the lost art. Nowadays we have to schedule and pay $20 bucks an hour to be shown how to stretch our own bodies! I am not knocking yoga, in fact I started making it a part of my weekly MUST HAVE's, but that is because I have gotten so stiff that my body feels older than my true age. This scares the bejesus out of me. I envy my daughters flexibility. Babies and animals stretch very frequently in a day, and they always stretch upon waking - I think they are on to something ;-)
Being able to communicate is the key to not being
frustrated. Teaching my daughter basic sign language has saved us and most
importantly her, tremendous frustration in knowing if she is hungry for milk vs.
food, finished eating or wants more and so on. Do you clearly communicate your
needs or do you assume people know what you want? I have some work to do in
that department!
8. Constant Movement. We are meant to move, harness, and capture and recharge energy and movement; they are life forces. Babies don't spend hours a day staring at computer screen, in a cubicle or car or watching TV. After a couple months old they move pretty much constantly with every waking moment. From birth to a few months old, they have spontaneous movements they cannot control, as their mind-body connection is trying to work out the wiring and misfiring, but nonetheless, the human body is built for movement. We are living creatures and as such need movement of energy - stop being a slug and use your body. If you neglect regular physical activity start by working more movement into your daily routine and build up to additional beneficial workouts.
8.Being able to put your foot in your mouth is a lost art. As adults it means we really should have stopped commenting on something long before our brain got the message our mouth was running a muck. But a baby putting their foot in their mouth just goes back to my point about flexibility. :)
9.Falling down doesn't/shouldn't phase you if you know you can always get back up - and when you are tired of getting back up your loved ones pull you up (surround yourself with people who pull you back up)
10. Thriving is not an all or nothing attitude, but a try try try again mantra. When we take on an all or nothing mentality to a lot of goals and tasks in life we set ourselves up for failure. My daughter wanted to learn how to get in and out of her plastic toy car on her own and I sat with her as she climbed in and bout 52 (FIFTY TWO!!!!) times in a row before being satisfied with her new skill. Now that is some tenacity my friends! Have you given up on something too soon?
11. Truly taste your food. Food is a sensory experience and should be consciously eaten, experienced and processed. Trying something once doesn't mean you don't like it, it means maybe you may not have tried if enough times to like it yet. I watch my daughter delight in trying new foods almost daily and it is truly remarkable to watch her expressions. You can almost see her wheels turning as she moves the food around each part of her tongue allowing different taste receptors a chance to weigh-in before making a final judgment to dip in for more and send it flying across my white carpets. (Note to parents, painters tarps and wood floors are your two best friends when your child begins solids)
12. This next lesson my father has drilled into me since I was little, but it couldn't ring any louder in my ears now that I am a mom. If you have your family and your health you have everything and without those two things you have nothing. Cherish, nourish and care for them every day like your life depends on it... oh that's because it does.
13. A tutu is always appropriate and it is never too early in the day
to put on your pajamas. As a child you can get away with wearing pretty much
anything and people will be drawn to your adorable nature. As adults we should
put on metaphorical tutu's - we should all walk into a meeting, event, or wherever
with something that makes us confident and happy tucked into our minds or on
our persons.
14. If you can learn to nap just about anywhere with any noise level going on as an infant, you will be golden when you travel, go off to college or need to sneak an office parking lot nap in as an adult! Don't ask... I won't admit who I worked for when I had to do that!
15. When did asking questions make you sound dumb? As adults I think we fear asking questions sometimes because we don't want people to think we don't know everything we need to know already. My daughter, in her own unique grunt and point kind of way "asks" about everything... and you know what... that makes her GENIUS! How is she supposed to learn if she doesn't ask? How am I to know that strikes her fancy if she doesn't make a commotion about it. SPEAK UP in your life, ask the questions even if they feel silly or are tough to hear the answers. Knowledge is always power.
16. Life's simple pleasures are what make it all worthwhile. I don't need a gambling weekend in Vegas, a surf lesson in Maui or the finest bottle of Merlot in Italy to appreciate what life has to offer. I need my family. I need the moments that make us laugh, the quiet, watchful moments that bring a happy tear to my eye, the funny sounds my daughter learns when imitating animals for the first time, the kisses my own mothers gives my daughter the second she see's her, the glances I exchange with her daddy when we know she is about to do something for the first time and we don't want to startle her, the gushing praise I overhear my father giving about my daughter, those are the experience I will always cherish and remember. Not the nights out at the bars or the designer dresses on sale. I want moments of true simplicity in all that is right with growing a family and being a decent human being.
17. You can never do enough loads of laundry to come out a winner.
18. No, Oxyclean is not God's gift to regurgitated sweet potato puree on a soft pink dress.
19. All the things you thought you
needed to register for before the baby came were really useless... thank
goodness you invited some people who are already parents to your shower.
20. Babies thrive on routine. As adults we fool ourselves into thinking we thrive in chaos. It's our bravado. Our chest beating I-am-stronger-than-you-I-have-super-powers-and-can- thrive-in-madness mantra... but all these years I have been fooling myself. By not establishing a daily sleep/play/eat routine we are now paying for it with sudden sleepless nights. I realized my work chaos and constantly changing schedule negatively impacts my daughters’ ability to calm down and stay asleep at night or nap a second time during the day. Humans need the security and comfort of knowing what is coming next. When we know what to expect we can handle a situation much more aptly. So this week I have started to create routine for us all ... and pretty quickly it seems to be rewarding us... keep you posted!
What have you learned from your children? Would love to hear your take!
- Briana Michel
Friday, August 30, 2013
Favorite "Raw" Breakfast
Starting your day with a meal that is fresh, easy to digest, full of protein, good carbs and healthy fats is one thing you can control before stepping out into the chaos for the day. These you can prep the night before and just dice the fruit quickly in the morning. There are a million different ingredient combinations especially if you live in a region that has a lot of variety at your disposal. I'll tell you my basic favorite then you can get creative from there!
1/3 cup raw oats
1-2 Tbsp hulled hemp seed (no shell, no seasoning)
1/2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp chopped walnuts or pecans (I switch the nuts up to even include cashew, almonds, etc)
1 Tbsp unsweet coconut flakes
1/2 small organic apple (When you buy bagged organic apples, then tend to be small which is nice for this meal. If you add lemon to the unused apple portion and put it in an air tight container in the fridge you can use it with a snack later on)
I also like to add nectarine, pineapple, berries or mango when I have them
Sometimes I add seeds like sunflower as well. Keep in mind that while the ingredients are very healthy the calories can add up quick, so be mindful of you goal is weight loss or weight maintenance. Maybe use smaller portions of nuts, fruits etc or only add a few toppings but change it from day to day so you get the benefit and the taste of new nutrient packed foods.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir dry. Then add almond milk to the desired texture/consistency. I like mine more on the muesli side and not so soupy, the beautiful thing about this "recipe" is that there is no right or wrong...,make it yours! You can allow this mixture to soak overnight in the fridge, but just know the seeds (especially chia), nuts and oats will soak up a lot of liquid so you may want to add more. I suggest always adding the fruit before eating it, but again...your call. This meal should keep your tummy happy, your head focused and your body thankful :) Enjoy.
1/3 cup raw oats
1-2 Tbsp hulled hemp seed (no shell, no seasoning)
1/2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp chopped walnuts or pecans (I switch the nuts up to even include cashew, almonds, etc)
1 Tbsp unsweet coconut flakes
1/2 small organic apple (When you buy bagged organic apples, then tend to be small which is nice for this meal. If you add lemon to the unused apple portion and put it in an air tight container in the fridge you can use it with a snack later on)
I also like to add nectarine, pineapple, berries or mango when I have them
Sometimes I add seeds like sunflower as well. Keep in mind that while the ingredients are very healthy the calories can add up quick, so be mindful of you goal is weight loss or weight maintenance. Maybe use smaller portions of nuts, fruits etc or only add a few toppings but change it from day to day so you get the benefit and the taste of new nutrient packed foods.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir dry. Then add almond milk to the desired texture/consistency. I like mine more on the muesli side and not so soupy, the beautiful thing about this "recipe" is that there is no right or wrong...,make it yours! You can allow this mixture to soak overnight in the fridge, but just know the seeds (especially chia), nuts and oats will soak up a lot of liquid so you may want to add more. I suggest always adding the fruit before eating it, but again...your call. This meal should keep your tummy happy, your head focused and your body thankful :) Enjoy.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Lovin' Lutein for Baby's Memory
You may have seen lutein in your vitamin aisle or heard the buzz about how it is good for your eye health but did you know your baby could benefit in more ways than one too? Lutein supports eye health in two ways: absorbs potentially damaging light and protects against oxidative damage. Now research shows that this important nutrient is found on the infant brain areas linked to memory and learning. The lutein in your diet can be passed to your baby through breast milk.
You can find it in many healthy foods such as leafy greens, corn, green beans and egg yolk. It is important to get lutein through your dietary choices because it cannot be manufactured by your body. For infants, dietary sources of lutein include colostrum, breast milk and formula's enhances with lutein.
Lutein packed Lunch recipe:
2 cups mixed dark leafy salad greens
1/2 ear of fresh sweet corn, cut off the cob
2 hardboiled eggs
1/3 cup raw papaya chunks
1/2 cup chopped raw broccoli
1 Tbsp raw sunflower seeds
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp agave
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
pepper to taste
whisk ingredient to make a single serving dressing. The fat in the olive oil helps maximize nutrient absorption of fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin K needed to proper blood clotting.
You can find it in many healthy foods such as leafy greens, corn, green beans and egg yolk. It is important to get lutein through your dietary choices because it cannot be manufactured by your body. For infants, dietary sources of lutein include colostrum, breast milk and formula's enhances with lutein.
Lutein packed Lunch recipe:
2 cups mixed dark leafy salad greens
1/2 ear of fresh sweet corn, cut off the cob
2 hardboiled eggs
1/3 cup raw papaya chunks
1/2 cup chopped raw broccoli
1 Tbsp raw sunflower seeds
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp agave
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
pepper to taste
whisk ingredient to make a single serving dressing. The fat in the olive oil helps maximize nutrient absorption of fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin K needed to proper blood clotting.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Stop and call your Dr. if while exercising you...
Just a reminder to ALWAYS listen to your body! If doing any exercise even walking and you experience any of the following stop and call your midwife or physician ASAP
Any of these symptoms could mean you've put too much stress on your body:
- Vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluids
- Difficult, labored, or uncomfortable breathing
- Heart palpitations or pain in your chest
- Headache, nausea, or vomiting
- Dizziness or fainting
- Sudden change in temperature, clammy hands, or overheating
- Swelling or pain in your ankles and calves
- Decreased fetal movement
- Blurred vision
- Pain in your abdomen
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Coconut Oil Critical for Mom & Baby
Why Coconut Oil Is So Good For Pregnant & Nursing Mothers
I couldn't have said it better myself so I an re-posting this article from
Coconut oil contains large amounts of lauric acid, a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid that protects the immune system of the fetus and newborn. Pregnant and nursing mothers should eat coconut oil to increase the quality of the womb environment and breast milk”
- Dr. Claudia Pillow
Have you ever noticed how much a coconut looks like a female human breast? (Insert immature schoolboy snicker here.)
Probably not, but think about it - these miraculous fruits given to us by nature resemble the human breast for a reason. They contain life-giving properties for nursing mothers and their infants. Now, I know that not all mothers can successfully breast feed, but for those of you who have breastfed before, lets admit it: it's HARD WORK!
The sore nipples and the painful engorged breasts, not to mention the aftermath - for those of you who have breastfed you know what I’m talking about here - the post nursing “droop." All the pain and “droop” was worth it, but I wish I had known back when I was nursing how I could have supplemented my diet with coconuts to give my baby even more nutrition and protection.
There has been a lot of research lately discussing how the environment of the womb can affect the long-term health of the baby with respect to autism, allergies, asthma, food sensitivities and other chronic conditions. Coconut oil provides pregnant moms with a vital combination of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins that are so good for their babies. That's also why infant formula usually contains coconut oil.
According to Claudia Pillow, PhD:

"A healthy diet contains mixtures of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The unique composition of human breast milk contains about 45 to 50 % saturated fat, about 35% unsaturated and 15-20%polyunsaturated. Lauric acid and capric acid comprise about 20% of total saturated fatty acids found in breast milk. Lauric and capric acid have potent antiviral, antibacterial, and parasiticidal (kills parasites) properties that support the immune system. These fatty acids offer the nursing infant protection from illnesses, viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa such as giardia lamblia, and bacteria such as chlamydia and heliocobater.
Coconut oil is high in saturated fat (but not cholesterol since it is from a plant) containing about 50% lauric acid. Other components of coconut oil include capric acid, caprylic acid, tocopherols and tocotrienols. (Vitamin E lipids that act as potent anti-oxidants that can help maintain healthy cell structure and function). A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that lactating mothers who eat coconut oil and other coconut products, have significantly increased levels of lauric acid and capric acid in their breast milk, creating milk rich in health promoting nutrients. Coconut oil is easy for an infant’s immature digestive system to absorb and utilize. It also provides energy in the form of medium chain fatty acids to help the baby grow and develop properly.
According to the research, when a lactating woman adds foods rich in lauric acid to her diet, the amount of lauric acid available in her breast milk increases substantially to levels three times the original level and nearly double the amount of capric acid. A single meal of coconut oil can significantly affect the breast milk fatty acid compositions for 1 to 3 days with the maximum increase occurring during the first 10 hours. This data supports the hypothesis that diet directly affects the quality of human milk and possibly the womb environment.
Pregnant and nursing females store fat to assure successful lactation. Any lauric acid and capric acid in the diet becomes part of the adipose fat stores. The milk fat of a lactating mother is made up of these stores as well as her current diet."
What this means is that a mother's diet while lactating directly affects how quickly she sheds pounds once she stops breastfeeding. And since nursing mothers especially need fat in their diet, the trick is making sure it's the right kind of fat. Coconut oil is an excellent source of fat since it is a medium chain fat as opposed to animal fat which is long chain and much harder for the body to break down. Long chain fat stores will linger a lot longer on our thighs and hips than medium chain fats like coconut oil, which quickly convert to energy.
This is why it's so important for pregnant and nursing women to eat a healthy diet- one based on whole foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lean protein and raw coconut oil!
Ginger Based Recipes for Mommy's Tummy
Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia
serves 2 (recipe from
1 pound domestically farmed tilapia fillets
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
3 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1 inch fresh ginger, grated, about 1 tablespoon
1 jalapeño pepper, roughly chopped (optional) - leave out if your have heartburn/acid reflux
1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 cup white wine
2 tablespoons soy sauce (aim for gluten-free/low sodium)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Scallions, chopped for garnish
Extra cilantro, to garnish
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
3 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1 inch fresh ginger, grated, about 1 tablespoon
1 jalapeño pepper, roughly chopped (optional) - leave out if your have heartburn/acid reflux
1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 cup white wine
2 tablespoons soy sauce (aim for gluten-free/low sodium)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Scallions, chopped for garnish
Extra cilantro, to garnish
Heat the oven to 475°F. Pat the fish dry, season lightly with salt and pepper, and lay in a 9x9-inch or 8x8-inch ceramic or glass baking dish.
Put the garlic, grated ginger, chopped jalapeño, and cilantro in a small food processor with the white wine, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Whir until blended. (Alternately, you can finely chop or mash the aromatics in a mortar and pestle, then whisk together with the liquid ingredients.)
Pour the sauce over the fish, rubbing it in a little. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily and is cooked through. It will be very moist and even a little gelatinous, still.
Serve immediately over brown rice, quinoa or orzo, garnished with the additional scallions and cilantro.

Lime- Ginger-Grapefruit Juice (great immune booster!)
- 3 tbsps cane sugar (natural) or stevia to keep your calories/sugar grams lower
- 2 tbsps ginger (peeled then grated)
- 1 cup water (or use club soda for a fizzy version)
- 12 cup fresh lime juice (2 juicy limes)
- 1 13 cups grapefruit juice (fresh, 2 juicy grapefruits)
Stir Fry Ginger Beef
- 2 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar
- 5 Tbsp South River Miso or umeboshi vinegar or soy sauce (but limit soy while pregnant)
- 1 Tbsp honey
- 1 Tbsp peeled, grated fresh ginger
- 1 teaspoon chile pepper flakes
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- Note: umeboshi itself contains high amounts of alkaline minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese, potassium. Pregnancy tends to cause more acidity int eh body to umeboshi may help rebalance your pH.
Beef and stir-fry
- 1 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 lb top sirloin steak - grass fed- hormone free! (good for iron building while pregnant)
- 1 Tbsp corn starch
- 2 Tbsp vegetable oil (preferably peanut)
- 1 Tbsp sesame oil (optional)
- 3-4 green onions, cut on a diagonal, 1/2-inch apart, including the greens
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
- 2-3 hot chiles, preferably red serranos, seeded, sliced
- 1-inch nob of ginger, peeled, cut lengthwise into matchstick shapes
- 1/2 cup loosely packed, chopped cilantro

1 Chill the steak in the freezer for 30 minutes before you slice it, this will make it easier to cut in thin slices. Slice the steak first crosswise in 1/2-inch thick slices. The cut each slice lengthwise into strips.
2 In a medium bowl, whisk together the marinade ingredients; the soy sauce, vinegar, grated ginger, honey, red chile flakes, and cumin. Mix the beef in with the marinade to coat and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, and up to 4 hours, in the fridge.
3 In a small bowl, mix the corn starch with 2 tablespoons of cold water to make a slurry.
4 Heat the oil in a wok, or a large sauté pan, over high heat until it is nearly smoking. As the oil is heating up, pat the beef dry and separate it into small batches no larger than what can fit into the palm of your hand. Working in batches, sauté beef until just brown outside but rare inside, no more than 1 minute. Transfer beef to a bowl.
5 When all of the beef is cooked, put the chiles and garlic into the pan and stir-fry 30-45 seconds. Add the julienned ginger and cook for 30-45 seconds more. Add the beef back to the pan. Add the cornstarch slurry. Add the scallions and mix everything together. Cook for 1 minute.
Turn the heat off and mix in the cilantro. Serve at once with steamed white rice.
Yield: Serves 4-6
Green Soup with Ginger
(from 101 Cookbooks)

2 tablespoons (30 ml.) olive oil
1 teaspoons sea salt, plus more to taste
1 large sweet potato (12 ounces)
1 large leek, white and light green parts (5 ounces)
1 bunch spinach (8 ounces)
1 large bunch green chard (12 ounces)
3 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger, plus more to taste
2 cups good-tasting vegetable broth
2-4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
freshly ground black pepper
Chop the onion and cook it slowly in the olive oil with a sprinkle of salt, stirring now and then, over low heat until it is soft and golden, about half an hour.
Meanwhile, peel and dice the sweet potato and put it in a large soup pot with 4 cups (1 liter) water and a teaspoon of sea salt. Thoroughly wash the leek, spinach, and chard, chop them coarsely, and add them to the pot, along with the chopped ginger.
Bring the water to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer the soup, covered, for 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are completely tender. Add the caramelized onions when they are ready. When the vegetables are soft, add the vegetable broth (you can add less if you like a thicker soup) and decide whether you want your soup chunky, like this, or smooth. If the latter, puree the soup in a blender, in batches, or with an immersion blender until it is smooth.
Stir in 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice and a few grinds of black pepper. Taste, and correct the seasoning with additional salt or lemon juice.
Serves 5-6.
Help My Tummy Ginger Oat Lactation Cookies
(basic recipe and image found on but I "Healthed-Up" the recipe for mama's-to-be!)
1/2 cup coconut oil* (see below for benefits for mom & baby)
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup stevia or sugar1 cup firmly packed brown sugar6 tablespoons water2 TBSP flax seed meal
2 TBSP Hemp Seeds
2 TBSP Chia Seeds
2 eggs1 tsp vanilla
2 cups gluten-free flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 cups oats
1 cup chocolate chips
2 -4 tablespoons brewer's yeast
1 TBSP ginger powder or 2 TBSP fresh grated ginger
Preheat oven to 350°.Mix the flaxseed meal and water and let sit for 3-5 minutes. Beat coconut oil, Greek yogurt, sugar, and brown sugar well. Add eggs and mix well. Add flaxseed mix and vanilla, beat well. Sift together flour, brewers yeast, baking soda, and salt. Add dry ingredients to butter mix. Stir in oats and chips. Scoop onto baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes.
Let set for a couple minutes then remove from tray.
*WHY COCONUT OIL FOR MOMs: "Coconut oil contains large amounts of lauric acid, a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid that protects the immune system of the fetus and newborn. Pregnant and nursing mothers should eat coconut oil to increase the quality of the womb environment and breast milk”
- Dr. Claudia Pillow

Thursday, June 13, 2013
5 Must Have Daily Supplements
If I only had a dollar for every time someone said to me "I take (fill in the blank with some herb, pill or tincture promised to do miraculous things)" and when I ask why, the response I get is "because Dr Oz said... (fill in the cure-all claim here; from dramatic weight loss, to guaranteed sleep to the energy of ten lemur's to looking so youthful you are mistaken for your teenage daughter!) OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but seriously if you took all the "recommendations" from that show and applied them to your supplement cabinet,
2) Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme with each cooked meal or non-raw, non-living food - What the heck are enzymes? Enzymes are protein chemicals, which carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action, and reaction that occurs in our body. There are approximately 1300 different enzymes found in the human cell. These enzymes can combine with coenzymes to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, digest food, and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reactions of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Nutrition cannot be explained without describing the part that enzymes play! Enzymes are especially important for people with food intolerance's, stomach discomfort, acid reflux, those who eat a lot of cooked or processed food, those who want to stay health and slow aging and more! Learn more here (because there is way more to the wonderful world of enzymes than I can cram into a blog). I am still amazed that enzymes get very little attention
4) Protein Source - I think we can admit it is pretty easy to get our daily fill of yummy, energy boosting carbs in, but it seems many of us lack quality protein necessary for muscle growth and retention, hormone balance, hair, nails, body repair, etc. And protein sources like Whey Isolates have been shown to boost immunity, support a growing baby if you are pregnant, keep blood glucose steady, help prevent bone loss in seniors I making a convincing enough case for you to incorporate more protein into your daily diet? Try starting your day with about 20-25 g of protein. Then each meal, women should aim for another 20 or so grams of protein and men about 30-35 g. If you are athletic or pregnant, you may want to add get closer to 1 g of protein per pound of your ideal healthy body weight.
1) You would probably overdose on something or have a bad interaction between ingredients
2) You would need a pantry the size of the Trump Towers to store it all
2) You would need a pantry the size of the Trump Towers to store it all
3) You would need the conference spending budget of our IRS in 2010 to afford it all!
Bad political jokes aside, let's be sensible for once shall we? Let me throw one disclaimer out there before I proceed. I do in fact think Dr Oz does the general public a HUGE service by providing eye opening education and calling a spade a spade when people are not living healthy. However, the show has producers, massive overhead, Big Network honchos to answer to, and millions and millions of dollars to be made by relying on advertisers and online product sales. Can't fault them for making a buck, but what I do want people to start doing is their OWN RESEARCH! Don't just take people's word for it. The latest craze is just that... a flash in the pan until some manufacturer wants to corner the market on the next gimmick. Craze is one letter away from craz-Y... so when someone, even a doctor says jump, don't say how high...ask WHY?
That goes for me to! I give advice, but that should never be a substitute for you doing your own due diligence. All this factored in, what are some of the key supplements that aren't a fad and have true science and legitimate backing to them? Well, I am so glad you asked, or at least continue to read so you care at least that much. If I had my druthers, I would have almost everyone adding the following items into their daily health regimen. This would be the basics to any good health foundation. From here you would then seek out more specific supplementation to meet your own bio-individual demands.
1) Prebiotics AND Probiotics - gut health is imperative to nutrient absorption and your immune system. If your gut is not healthy, it is impossible for you to continue to be in good health. Some things that damage your gut are: medications (especially antibiotics), alcohol, acid foods beverages, stress, illness, parasites, not enough prebiotics for the good bacteria (probiotics) to munch on and thrive.

3) Greens powder or liquid - whether is is wheatgrass shots or greens powder, phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes that are readily available for your to thrive on can dramatically boost your overall health. From disease prevention and fighting illness to increasing blood iron, healing wounds, clearing skin, cleanses the blood and detoxes liver, can stop bone loss and the list goes on!

(Easy and delicious Smoothie Recipes - now there is no excuse to skip breakfast!)
Note: If you are vegan, try mixing up your plant based proteins since a plant protein is an incomplete protein, meaning just one source like hemp or pea doesn't have all the amino acids necessary for the building blocks of good health.
5) Omega-3's & DHA - are anti inflammatory, help with brain, heart and eye health, decrease blood pressure, very important for the brain of a growing fetus, helps decrease depression, decrease severity of autoimmune disease and click here for 61 more ways omega's help your health
Now I know you are going to say, "but Briana, you have links to items to purchase in here so aren't you just trying to sell product too?" Nope...not really. I carry these items BECAUSE I personally take them, have my family and friends take them and recommend my nutrition clients take them. It is because I have done the research and found the highest quality products or reached out to manufacturers to create the products I saw the market was lacking so that myself, my family and my clients could have access to those things as well at reasonable prices. I don't care where you buy your products as long as you know you can trust the supplier/manufacturer and source of ingredients, so more power to you! I provide links here for your further education and for you to see what we offer then compare ours to others you might have access to or already have in your possession. I care that you take sensible measures to improve your health, not that you always buy from me.
I know that if you get to know us at Simply B you will know we are about doing better each day, educating our 3 C's - clients, community and customers. KNOWLEDGE is POWER and ACCESS leads to ACTION. Fair enough? We sure think so!
briana michel,
digestive enzyme,
Dr Oz,
green powder,
health tips,
healthy pregnancy,
simply B,
weight loss,
whey isolate,
whey protein
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
They are in your food and on your body... Now what?
Psst... It's on our face, all over our skin, at our kitchen table, in our pantry, sitting on our refrigerator shelves! What is it? A CHEMICAL INVASION! As if we don't have enough to worry about on a daily basis as we prepare for birth or as new moms, we need to be aware of the DAILY environmental exposures that could be disrupting our own health as well as our baby's. The more research I do the more my mouth falls agape in disbelief... well maybe not disbelief but more disappointment in our manufacturers and large companies. I love the companies they are finally standing up and making a statement by being truly organic and chemical free, but let's face it, they are few and far between because the higher profit margins come in the synthetic products.
When you stop to think, it is truly mind boggling that we as human beings EVER thought - hey you know what would be a great idea... let's jam pack our foods, packaging, containers, clothing, household goods, cleaners, beauty products and so on full of gnarly chemicals that if served to us in a shot glass you couldn't pay us to sling back, but we willingly and many times unknowingly encounter hundreds if not thousands of offenders EVERY day! Our precious bodies are not made to handle these heinous materials.
However, I realize that my goal is not to completely panic about all the thing we cannot control and instead decide on what things we can control and do something about those. It is my hopes that you join me in the education of our consumer products and start taking action to minimize your exposure. Education is key to determining what we CAN control. The more we as consumers demand better products, i.e organic, natural and harmless, the more big business has to start listening. In case you haven't gathered from my other writings, I am a believer that ignorance is only ever momentary bliss, then the repercussions can be devastating. I propose we take a moment to focus on the what and why's that impact our family's health and our home and then move on to the "what we can do now". Sound like a plan? (well I suppose if you keep reading then you agree :) )
Did you know: (insert expression of horror and shock below!)
What are these chemicals doing to us? ..and this is the short list! I wasn't sure I had enough room to include ALL the detrimental effects...and we are discovering more and more every year!
Some great info about our cosmetics ladies...if this doesn't make you rethink your cosmetic bag, then I don't know what will!
(I have no affiliation with any of the products, websites or authors linked below, they are simply informative ones I came across in my research)
Find safe, healthy, green & ethical products based on scientific ratings
So what can we control?
So glad you asked! We can control our pocket books, our hand-to-mouth reaction and the amount of knowledge we arm ourselves with. Two things we can control absolutely, what we put in our mouth and what we spend our money on. What does that mean?
Buy products with ingredients you can pronounce AND know are safe and natural (I have spent many an hour in store aisles Googling the ingredient lists on everything from baby wipes to shampoo... and you know what...if I have to google it it probably isn't worth bringing into my environment)
When you stop to think, it is truly mind boggling that we as human beings EVER thought - hey you know what would be a great idea... let's jam pack our foods, packaging, containers, clothing, household goods, cleaners, beauty products and so on full of gnarly chemicals that if served to us in a shot glass you couldn't pay us to sling back, but we willingly and many times unknowingly encounter hundreds if not thousands of offenders EVERY day! Our precious bodies are not made to handle these heinous materials.
However, I realize that my goal is not to completely panic about all the thing we cannot control and instead decide on what things we can control and do something about those. It is my hopes that you join me in the education of our consumer products and start taking action to minimize your exposure. Education is key to determining what we CAN control. The more we as consumers demand better products, i.e organic, natural and harmless, the more big business has to start listening. In case you haven't gathered from my other writings, I am a believer that ignorance is only ever momentary bliss, then the repercussions can be devastating. I propose we take a moment to focus on the what and why's that impact our family's health and our home and then move on to the "what we can do now". Sound like a plan? (well I suppose if you keep reading then you agree :) )
Did you know: (insert expression of horror and shock below!)
- Over 69 million Americans live in areas that exceed smog standards (cough, cough!)
- Most drinking water contains over 700 chemicals, including excessive amount of lead. (are filling that glass of ice with someones else's pharmaceutical residue?!)
- Over 3,000 chemicals are added to our food supply (I hardly call those "foods"! Do you?)
- As many as 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives are used in food processing and storage. (Why should ANY chemical be allowed into OUR FOOD? Does that store bought cookie really sound that good anymore?)
- U.S chemical companies hold licenses to make 75,000 chemicals for commercial use; the federal government registers an average of 2,000 newly synthesized chemicals each year. (And our government has our well-being in mind???)
- 500 chemicals are used as active ingredients in pesticides (Buy organic produce when possible. Click Here for the "Dirty Dozen List")
- Chemicals companies are not required to tell the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) how their compounds are used or monitor where their products end up in the environment. (WHY NOT?)
- Women take in 2-5 pounds of chemicals each year just through their skin from creams, lotions, makeups and other products.
- Close to 800 chemicals are known to or suspected to be capable of interfering with hormone receptors, hormone synthesis or hormone conversion.
What are these chemicals doing to us? ..and this is the short list! I wasn't sure I had enough room to include ALL the detrimental effects...and we are discovering more and more every year!
- Many are human carcinogens (cancer causing; just about every type of cancer you can imagine!)
- Affecting our nervous system
- Endocrine disrupting (hormone disruption)
- Birth defects
- Obesity (damage to our "appetite switch" and how we store fat)
- Exacerbate hyperactive children
- Increase risk of diabetes
- Early onset of puberty in our children
- Alzheimer's
- Memory confusion and loss
- autoimmune diseases
Some great info about our cosmetics ladies...if this doesn't make you rethink your cosmetic bag, then I don't know what will!
(I have no affiliation with any of the products, websites or authors linked below, they are simply informative ones I came across in my research)
Find safe, healthy, green & ethical products based on scientific ratings
So what can we control?
So glad you asked! We can control our pocket books, our hand-to-mouth reaction and the amount of knowledge we arm ourselves with. Two things we can control absolutely, what we put in our mouth and what we spend our money on. What does that mean?
Buy products with ingredients you can pronounce AND know are safe and natural (I have spent many an hour in store aisles Googling the ingredient lists on everything from baby wipes to shampoo... and you know what...if I have to google it it probably isn't worth bringing into my environment)
- Use natural household solutions, like white vinegar solution instead of chemical spray.
- Steer clear of anything with "fragrance" listed in it (companies do not have to disclose what makes up those fragrances and it seems most are health HARMFUL)
- Buy organic produce whenever possible. Wash and peel all produce thoroughly before ingesting.
- Seek out organic, grass-fed meat and poultry
- Try organic cosmetic lines like Juice Beauty and check out fantastically supportive sites that take on the effort for you of digging to find green products like at Village Green Network
- Stay out of the processed and prepackaged food aisle! Nothing good comes from being overly processed, "enriched" and put on a shelf for years. You and your family deserve much better. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store, shop local farmers markets and health food stores (a note about health food stores,;just because they have greener products doesn't mean that every item there them is suitable for your goals, they can still have excess sugars, some trans fats and chemicals in things like many mainstream "protein bars" and dyes and preservatives in things like vitamins)
- Use organic oils instead of chemical laden lotions. Try almond, olive or apricot oil after a shower or try on them your baby belly several times a day or on baby after her bath (great time to massage baby too!) Use fresh avocado on your face at night, use lemon as a face toner and pore reducer. (I will add home skin remedies on another post!)
- Use essential oils like tea tree as a disinfectant on cuts, dry scalp and acne
- Choose shampoos and conditioners without sulfates and parabens like Aubrey Organics
- Armed with these simple ingredients, visit this DIY site for household cleanser ideas
• Baking Soda• White Vinegar• Hydrogen peroxide• Borax• Essential oils, like tea tree oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, or lemongrass oil• Castile soap (like Dr. Bronner's)• Fresh herbs, citrus, or citrus peels• Olive or vegetable oil• Water - Unsure about products your currently own try this product analyzer below based on what is important to you. Neat concept!
- Consistently eat very wholesome organic foods with an emphasis on fresh vegetables and fruits for their high antioxidants and anti-cancer properties.
- Drink lots of purified water each day - FLUSH those toxins!
- Scrub your skin regularly (dry brushing or wet scrubs work) - it will help exfoliate and improve circulation so your body can release that toxic build up
- Drink from glass bottles not plastic ( I buy Kevita because their sprakling probiotic drink is delicious then I use the sturdy glass bottles to fill with water and fresh green juices that I do at home. My own mini-version of recycling :) )
- Take your produce out of the plastic bags as soon as you get home from the store instead of tossing them in the fridge or on the counter in the plastic.
- Store leftovers in glass containers and not plastic
- Instead of spraying perfume on your body and burning toxic candles in your home, try natural essential oils for a clean, fresh, relaxing or invigorating scent.
- Do not microwave foods in plastic or Styrofoam
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