Merry-go-round.. Life's greatest lesson by Jim White
1. Although we always want to get best horse, we have to be happy with the one receive and make the most of it. Life is learning to deal with not always getting what you want.
2. Like the ride, your life will be filled with many ups and downs. The key, however, is to learn to enjoy and celebrate both because they each have value.
3. Even though you may feel silly(cause your riding a gorilla) out of place, or dizzy from the spins the ride may throw at you, be confident that you will settle in and find your direction.
4. Sometimes you will feel like you are in the front and other times in the back. As time moves forward, however, you eventually realize the ride is about the journey, not a destination.
5. Although we hang on tight and try our best to keep everyone safe, you will have to say hello and goodbye to the people closest to you numerous times on the ride.
6. Every rider should smile more, raise his or her hands and make some noise because when the ride is over, you have no choice but to get off. The biggest mistake is to leave all the excitement and greatness within you on the ride.
7. Your purpose is to be the rider you were born to be. Regret will not be the result of things you did on the ride, but from all the things you did not do..
8. The ride can be hard to enjoy because you know that sooner or later this ride has to end. Part of the ride should be spent developing a philosophy to deal with this.
9. Our responsibility is to leave the ride better than we found it because there is always another group of riders ready after we leave.
10. As the ride comes close to stopping, you won’t be alone wishing for a chance to do it all again.
The Merry-Go-Round reminds us that the hardest thing to do in life is to live in the moment. Not to worry about the past or the future. Just to be. We are often so busy or “in a rush” that we commonly forget to enjoy the ride. This week is your chance to reflect and remember to enjoy the breeze in your hair and to live life in every breath.
So here is this week’s challenge: the next time you leave the house angry, go to bed upset, or worry yourself about something that happened in the past or might happen in the future, remind yourself this is your one and only ride.
Ride on.